Unboxing my Calathea Warscewiczii

I bought a Calathea Warscewiczii from an Etsy Shop. Want to see how it went?

I was really happy with the shop right away for a number of reasons; the first two being: 1) they delayed shipping so the plant could arrive when I would be in town and; 2) they included a lot of extra information beginning with an unpacking guide and care instructions right on top.

They also included worm castings, which is awesome. I bought my plant already potted and because this seller is also in California, there weren’t any hassles with shipping regulations. If I were going to pot this plant now, I would mix the castings together with the potting soil. Since I won’t be potting, I plant to top dress the potting soil with the worm castings by using a fork to gently disturb the top level of potting soil and then sprinkling the castings evenly on top of the soil before watering.

I also knew right away when the plant had last been watered, which I really appreciated. They also shared watering and lighting recommendations.

First peek– this calathea is an absolute STUNNER!

I was almost speechless looking this calathea over. Beautiful. Gorgeous. Amazing.

You can see a new leaf about to uncurl at the top. Since recording this unboxing, I did lose two leaves that were already a little yellow. The new growth opened up and the plant is doing very well near an eastern window. Overall, this was a huge success buying online.

If you have any suggestions or questions, leave me a comment! I am always looking for feedback and new ideas.

Until next time, be well and take care!